Friday, May 28, 2010
First Wedding Anniversary..
How can I forget the wonderful summer evening we first met...
When I first met you, I didn't know that you are the one I am going to choose to spend the rest of my life with.. And the rest is History.
Throughout these years, we have been through different relationship status .. From ‘Strangers’ to ‘Hi.. How you doing kind-of collegemates’ to ‘Friends’ to ‘Love-birds’ to HERE WE ARE... ‘As Husband and Wife’...
Let me take this moment to thank everyone who helped us find each other..
Here is to Thank you, Sel, for being who you are… For making me feel so special in every nano-way you could..
Be as strong, as honest, as lovely, as helping, as wonderful, as caring, as simple, as you were when I met you for the first time – as you are today..
May God bless us with all the happiness, healthy life and fun-filled infinity more years to come..
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Warm Weekend...
Saturday, we had invited Mr & Mrs. JB. We had a very nice lunch (of course I cooked it!!) and spoke a lot about whats up.. what’s happening with you!! kinda stories!!. They are going to move to another continent soon.. Will surely miss the once-in-a-while catch-up sessions which is always accompanied by loads of laughter.. Here’s wishing them all the very best in all they wanted to do..
Then, watched Harry Potter – Chamber of Secrets!! Though we had asked for Harry Potter - Sorcerer’s stone, Netflix didn't really care to send us what we wanted!! But that doesn’t stop us, right!! So we watched the movie anyways.. It was wonderful.. Do they still say that these types of movies are for kids!!! I doubt.. It’s so enthralling and mesmerizing that even elders would want to be a part of Harry Potter’s gang… Isn’t it true??
After coming out of Harry Potter’s world, we decided to go to a mall.. AND, I got so many things!!! ~grins~ Sel didn’t even bother to say NO…. How sweet!!… Aahhhh…. Love you Sel.. Thank you for all the it’s-time-to-renew-the-closet gifts.. ~hugs~
Then, On Sunday we went to Sel’s friends home.. Mr & Mrs. DP.. They had a smart kid who loves cars & Ice-age movie stuff.. He was one of the best entertainers we had!!!.. We really enjoyed his company and Sel enjoyed his good-old-talks..
After a nice stomach-warming lunch (Thanks to Mr & Mrs. DP for the special lunch), Sel & I came home. Decided to catch-up with Ganesh & SR.. SR & I had so much fun talking about everything from how I drowned in 3 ft water to how happy she is to move to her hubby’s place to our extraordinary intake of sugar.. AND MORE and more.. just over a cup of coffee and some nice hot potato bajjis.. She is going to move too.. I am, for sure, going to miss all our giggly talks!!! ~sighs again~
I HATE GOOD-BYES..!!! ~feels irritated about having to say good-bye to dear friends~
Then Ganesh & SR left.. Sel and I were ready, like never before, to watch our favorite TV series LOST’s finale show!!! In my opinion, the series ended well!!! Not that they answered all the mysteries we all had, but it was good!!!
To people who are non-LOSTians, it's a TV series that revolves around few selected passengers, from a flight, who crash into a Mysterious Island.. Island - Where no one comes to rescue them because it’s nowhere in the map & has the ability to disappear with the touch of very few buttons or a wheel spin!!.. Island - where they see a strange killer (in a form of black smoke).. Where they fight for survival.. and WHERE everything is a mystery.. Few try hard to get out of the island to get back to their routine life.. Few try hard to stay in the Island because they realize that it has strange powers!! Irrespective of their thoughts, they are trapped in the island and eventually find out that the flight crash is not an accident and it was all planned!!!
Then amidst all this, they had few episodes with time-travel, yin-yang type of good guy-bad guy story, electromagnetism, tragedy, romance, comedy, jealousy, ego issues, soul travel, spiritual!!! You name it.. they had it in there!!
We will miss you LOST series!!! This is for you - A picture from our Hawaii trip...
Now, if you ask me, Do you enjoy watching such series!! I would say ABSOLUTELY, TRULY YES!!!
If you ask me, Is it really worth it!!! - I'm just gonna ignore your question..
I guess it doesn't hurt to have a few time-travel, parallel universe & physics sessions as part of your entertainment kit!!! No?? What say!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dude's Wedding..
"The friendship between a man and a woman which does not lead to marriage or desire for marriage may be a lifelong experience of the greatest value to themselves and to all their circle of acquaintance and of activity; but for this type of friendship both a rare man and a rare woman are needed".
Isn’t it a beautiful statement!!
It's very true because friendship needs commitment. No false promises in there!!! Today I remembered that commitment and comfort from a crazy friend of mine. Is it because it's his wedding!! Maybe... ~smiles~
Let me introduce you to ~Drum rolls please~ “Dude”.
He is getting married to a beautiful bride, Nands. I haven't had a chance to talk to the bride, but we have shared a couple of emails and from all I know, she is a great person. At times, they share different opinions and it's cool to watch them express their thoughts. All I got to tell is that she completes him. And God bless the beautiful couple..
Now, rolling back the time machine to how it all started!!
That was the time I joined Weber. Dude was in other department. I was looking to buy cars at that time. So, I was asking people about cars they have & questions to be posed while buying cars. That’s it. This dude spoke not just for 5 - 10 minutes. For almost 30 minutes!!! 30 minutes of just his experience!! His everyday fight with the broken car he is driving!! How mean and cunning his seller was!!! What was his feeling when his car almost broke down on a highway!!! How bad he wanted to hurt the seller!! I mean. COMMON!!!! Give me a Break!!! (Felt like throwing something on him just to shush him. REALLY!!)
Decided never to go to his cubicle again or to talk to him!!! And Yet... Here we are.. After almost 3 years... As Friends.. As Dear Friends..
Kumz, my other friend, was very close to Dude. So our friendship developed and it blossomed into a wonderful thing when the team grew bigger. It was just fun, fun and more fun. We were uncontrollable! All of us (except Dude) had one common thing - to pull Dude's leg and believe me, we never felt bad about that!!!
And this is how we are. Against each other.. Most of the times!!!
He is NOT-A-VERY-BEST-ENTERTAINER but still keeps the ambience very lively. I admire his frankness (to be true he is too frank for others to accept him).Yeah. He speaks a lot about burping and his stomach malfunctions than anything else.!!! But who cares!!!
He is THE best yapper and the worst rapper I have ever seen in my life. But still who cares!!! He is just a wonderful person. He is a friend in need!!!! Even now, he calls me almost every now and then to make sure that everything is ok by my side and that I have all the updates from his side.
Unforgettable are:
* Those days when he used to take us out for a walk or to starbucks just for a 15 minutes break!! ~what a break it was from work~
* our Saturday breakfast in Panera!! ~Nostalgic~ * our little meaningless fights and screams!!! ~YOUUUUU!!! Idiot~
* his cooking turns and the world famous, Bisibelabath!! ~Bless~
* those evenings when he called us, while on the way to home, to prepare a special masala tea for him!!! ~You lazy bug~
* those moments when he talked bad about a person famously known as "B"!! ~Can he even use that word?? I guess not!!!!~
* those special days when he talked about his workout sessions during his 10th grade and all about his biceps and triceps and 6-pack!! ~did you even listen to what you were saying!!!~
* those mornings when he used to throw his advice (even though we made it clear to him, almost zillion times, that no one is listening!!!) about the office and work!!!
* His emails with a sign AWK meaning Alex Wachowski as a result of his bizarre attachment to Matrix movie series ~Gawd… dude!!~
* The expressions when he talked about how he lost almost 3000 bucks to an auto driver and his family (ofcourse, they threatened him!!!) in Chennai ~Can anyone be this dumb!!! Maybe!! Chuckles~
Or, How can I ever forget his flying visit to our place with his parents and all the fun we had or a special 4 lbs sweet box all the way from TX!!!
Even a quick thought of all these moments brings a smile. Those Wonderful, beautiful, crazy, don’t-really-care-about-what-others-think, emotional moments are countless. Dude!! I have saved them carefully so it can be cherished forever and ever!!
I'm not saying he is my sweet buddy all the time. There are days when I feel like throwing him from top of the Eiffel Tower - But let’s just leave it at that!!!! I'm sure you got the point!!! ~thinks of all such moments and smiles~
But putting all those aside, I am glad that I share a special gift of friendship with this wonderful (and crazy) dude!! I miss being there on this special day, Dude!!
On this day, I wish my wonderful friend, Dude and Nands a very happy, fun-filled, lovely and wonderful, married life. May God be with you during all those "differing opinion" moments to save you!! *smiles*
~ Bless you both.. Hugs ~
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday night special!!!
And this comes from me as I had a wonderful lunch today.. Felt so happy the moment I opened the lunch box.. Filled my gullet with my lunch for the next 10 minutes and then there it was.. An empty lunch box!!! ~God bless me~
OK.. This is what happened.. I went home early yesterday as I started early from office.. I decided to cook something special for Sel.. ~hugs~
For the past 8 months, I have been dotty about "cooking".. Not that I disliked cooking before, but I never knew I liked it so much either.. If I decide to shop for groceries, then lets just put it this way, God save my wallet!!!
Dinner used to be ready by the time Sel comes home from office and we always had very early dinners... I know he has been missing that for the past 1 week.. So, decided to prepare some nice ragi idly and tomato chutney for him.. As soon as I reached home, started working on the batter.. As it was my own recipe, didn't have any difficulty in putting things together.. I got to say that I did an awesome job of Peas Ragi idly!!! Also, the chutney was at it's best.. It was a bit spicy but tolerable!!! And, the best part was that the food was ready by the time Sel came home.. ~feeling happy about that~
We had a nice and healthy dinner... ~thinking how fun it is to cook~
Today, came home at the usual time today.. Sel was watching Avatar movie in Blu-ray ~doesn't really understand why he is so crazy about such movies~
He also prepared a nice strong coffee for me.. ~Ahh.. My love~
Thought of cooking something for snacks.. But didn't have anything except the leftover idlies from yesterday.. Made upma out of that.. ~I know.. I'm on a roll.. ha ha~ I'm also glad that Sel liked it...
Then boiled eggs for egg kurma.. Egg kurma was originally planned for dinner tonight and also for lunch tomorrow.. But Sel interrupted the plan to prepare a nice, hot fish curry... NOW, I'm not complaining about that at all.. It just overrode all my dishes!!!! ~grins~ As we ate it so fast, I wasn't able to take pictures... ~scratches her head with a thought that Sel should cook very often from now on... ha ha ha~
See, I removed all yolks from eggs... Because they are high in cholesterol!!!! Yeah... NOW, That's what I meant by Good Food in the beginning...
~walks in to kitchen to pack the kurma for next day's lunch~
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Got up a bit early (by early, I mean - compared to my all previous Sundays!!).. Sel and I were planning to go to Tennis court today.. But right now, he is talking to his colleagues about some office issue while here I'm just enjoying the sunny day with a cup of coffee and listening to Daniel Bedingfield's Gotta get thru this .. *thinking how lucky are few people to REALLY enjoy their Sundays.. Awww.. Poor Sel!! *
Had a wonderful week last week.. Enjoyed my office work (OK.. it's just not the first week's smitten feeling, but I really enjoyed learning new things).. Can't wait to start my Monday with all new assignments..
*looking through the window glancing at the shining sun*
We spent our Saturday with our wonderful friends Mr & Mrs. S, their two kids and Mr.S's mom.. They came all the way from Maryland to see us and to go to a temple in NY (OK.. that's not entirely true!!! Sel and Mr. S love the special Indian foods at the temple's canteen, that's the main reason!!)
I was asked NOT to prepare anything as they didn't want to eat anything before their big feast.. But yet, I prepared some Veggie cutlets.. Sel loved it as the entire food had only 1 tsp oil (and we all know how health freak he is!!).. Prepared some heart-shaped cutlets to for Sweetie (Mr & Mrs. S's daughter).. We all had a bite and to please your eyes, here you go!!!

Then we all prayed real good in the Temple and went to canteen (Remember!! that's the main purpose!!).. When I saw the food I just remembered our Friday dinner (in an Indian restaurant where I overstuffed myself with a new curry dish and felt uncomfortable for a long time after that *i was just like a python after a heavy meal and felt so irritated about the feeling. grrrrrr*) and promised myself to STOP when I really want to stop... I even packed 1/4th of my food as I stopped eating the moment I felt full.. *pats on my shoulder for the beautiful self-control thing*
Though the distance to our home from the temple is just 30 miles, it took us almost 2 hours to come home because of the traffic.. We all spoke about everything from our recent West coast trip to their well planned and about to take-off Disney trip to the crime rate in LA to the visitors who were taking pics of we really didn't know in streets of NY and to the Hanuman Chalisa..
Isn't it a wonderful thing to talk to kids about their favorite Dora or Sponge bob and to elders about their Devotional interests just to see the shooting spike in their interest rate!! Sel and I really loved it as Mr & Mrs. S are our favorite couple.. *hugs*
Now, we just have to wait for our next Baltimore trip.. *Sighs*
Have a smooth Sunday and a wonderful week ahead!!!
*goes to kitchen to eat left-over cutlets... hmmm ... What a bliss!!!*
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
First day at work..
I can tell you that I was quite excited and tensed about the first day.. It will be there for everyone, right!!! Soooo, I got up early and was getting ready.. But still wanted to scream to express my excitement.. But that isn't possible as Sel was sleeping after a long WORK night.. So updated my facebook silently with the same super excitement.. Then, prepared breakfast and packed lunch ..
After a nice breakfast of 1/3 cup of oatmeal, started to office.. I got a chance to drive our new Audi too.. FINALLY!!!! ** with Sel on the side when we go out, it's very difficult to get a chance to drive Audi, you know!!!! Yeah.. He just adores it **
Reached office well before the time they had asked me to come.. That's the joining day's special edition - enthusiasm.. Tried my level best to rub on on my enthusiasm to almost everyone there **grins**
I have NEVER seen so many scientists or lab people in one place.. Ahhhh.. By the way, I'm Senior Materials Scientist ** feels shy **
Had fun filling out papers... Didn't complete those though... Decided to take those home and put in a request to Sel for his assistance as he is really good in all such things ** hugs **
Then read about what I'm going to be working on for sometime... Then started from office..
It took almost 40 - 50 minutes to reach home.. but I enjoyed the ride.. Felt just like what Tony Stark said in Iron Man 2 movie, It's good to be back!!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
To THE BEST MOM in the universe..
I pray God everyday for many things in the life... Of which 3 prayers remain constant.. First one is for Sel & I, second one is for my mom & dad and third one is to bless all the family members, friends and enemies around (strange to pray for enemies, is it!!! but I got different plans for them.. so it's up to God to protect them from my evil plans.. --Villainy laughter--)
I was just drifted away today morning with all my childhood thoughts and those very special days with my MOM!!!
Though my mom was working (And believe me, those crazy people gave her a very hard time because of her strict and straightforward nature against a bribe community!!! ohh... by the way, they are in my enemies list too...), I never missed her as a stay-at-home mom as she was there for me all the time..
Those childhood days when I used to ask her how special I am.. With all the patience in the world (because I used to ask her this question at least once a day as I really liked the Feel Special emotion), she used to tell me different stories on how she diligently prayed God to have a beautiful daughter (yep!!! that's me.. **smiles**) and how God gave her different choices of baby and how she chose a baby that just fits my description and how happy she was when I came to this world.. Love you mom for your witty imagination and lovely stories..
Those days when I used to see her wait for the bus to go to her office while I walk to my school.. Those flying kisses and hugs... How much I will be wanting to see her everyday during those days... Love you mom for the way you taught me that expressing love to your loved ones is a "feel-good" feeling..
Those wonderful and sunny Saturdays, when she used to take me to Main Guard Gate (that's a shopping place in Trichy, India) and get me everything I asked for.. Her gift to me on those days used to be "Vegetable Briyani" and masala milk (with all the pistachios, almonds, cashews and raisins) from Vasantha Bhavan restaurant - that is only if I do many good deeds Sunday through Friday... (when it comes to food, you should know how I behave.. So I was a very good girl back then..:)).. How I used to wait for those Saturdays as those were our mom-daughter day-out time till my 10th grade... We used to talk about anything and everything.. Love you mom for the frankness and friendliness..
A Saturday when I was practicing for dance at a new place (as my dance teacher chose her home instead of an abandoned school to teach the dance moves).. And how difficult it was for my mom to find this place as it was in the interiors of the town (remember.. those were the days when we didn't have those fancy mobile phones)... Even then, she didn't express her tiredness (of roaming almost an hour and half to find this place) even a bit when she saw her wonderful daughter dancing perfectly for the song... Love you mom for your patience..
All those Tuesdays when I had my Karate class where all the student had to cut their nails (so they don't use their nails to attack the opponent).. and if you bite those (which is gross by the way) then you'll be punished.. (our karate master was an expert in finding whether a nail was bit by teeth or cut by using a nail cutter).. She used to remind me every Monday night to cut the nails.. Love you mom for your dedication to your kid's school activities...
Those scary weekdays when we moved to Chennai in 1996.. Didn't like anything there as it was a new place.. New school, new classmates, new home, new neighbors, new neighborhoods!!! Gawd...Everyone abhors too many NEW things in life, isn't it.. I was no exception... My mom helped me overcome the hatred feeling and start enjoying my life even in a new place.. How she used to meet my teachers and get excuses on my behalf.. Love you mom for all your support..
Some Saturday in 1996, when our Doctor told that I had jaundice and that I should be eating only low calorie foods... She gave up all her tasty food menu so I wouldn't miss them so much (yeah!!! I took foods without oil and foods that were easy to digest like yogurt and greens, no coffee/tea, no sugar, no coconut, no dhall, etc.,!!! Don't worry.. the Doctor is on my enemies list too.. ** grins**).. Love you mom for never hesitating to give up anything for your kid's sake...
How she used to wait outside for me during my board exams and be the first one to know how I performed on all those exams... Love you mom for waiting there during those difficult exam times...
On Aug 22, 1999 - when my folks and brother left me at the hostel to pursue my undergrad.. My dad and brother were just fine while my mom started pouring out tears like a baby who's toy was taken away... Love you mom for all the emotions which you never cared to hide..
On my graduation day in 2003, when I missed her so much as she was miles and miles away in USA... and how much she must have missed being there to see her daughter graduate... Love you mom for your special wishes even when you were miles away...
One crazy Thursday in July 2003, when I was crying for some silly thing with the way things turned out with my graduate studies and the way she consoled me saying that things happen for good and that patience & perseverance is very important in one's life and that those characters will be rewarded.. Love you mom for all the wonderful advice that helped me to pull myself together..
How much she supported me to pursue my graduate studies... Love you mom..
That special day in January of 2006, when I told her about my special love and the way she lost her night's sleep (While I was next to her sleeping without any problem..) worrying whether my dad would agree to this special love of mine!!! And when he did agree, the way she expressed her emotions... Love you mom...
That wonderful day in December of 2008, when Sel came to my home to visit my parents.. Obviously I was nervous but she gave that comfort feeling which even made Sel feel at-ease and at home... Did I tell you that my parents asked him so many questions but those are all just to make sure that everything is good for their daughter... and I still remember the way my mom expressed her thoughts about Sel that he is very kind and polite and that she is very glad about her new son "with her usual smile"!!!... Love you mom for being there for me at all times..
All the days when she offers a special prayer to all gods while only a few minutes ago I would have told her about something I am desperately wanting to have...
These are just a few to list... I remember each and every day of my childhood as there is no such day when I didn't feel so special...
To all those days in the past years and to all those wonderful days and years yet to come, To my wonderful MOM, WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...
All those footprints on the sands of our time will be cherished forever and ever....
Love you loads and tons... *hugs and kisses*
Dad .. Now you just have to wait for the next Father's day to read about how much your daughter loves you and those special father-daughter moments.. I'm sure you remember each and every second of those.. **hugs** .
**love you too dad - for everything**
Friday, May 7, 2010
I was trying to analyze the reason behind this and so here it goes:
-- I understand that the tiredness comes from our last week's west coast trip and that my sleep cycle got disturbed due to the time difference between these places.. But I am not sure whether to blame the trip entirely for the failure!!!
-- Probably it's because of the style I have adapted over the past 8 months.. It's obvious that I have become lazy over the past few months.. It has been a slow and steady process though!!! After all I was relaxing and enjoying my stay-at-home time..
It's not that I'm worried about the new lazy character that is growing steadily in me.. But if I think of my life before moving to NJ, Jesus, I will be blessed!!! While I was working in TX, I used to get up at 5 am and start to office at around 6am.. (that is if my carpool partner had already blessed the world by getting up early).. If you ask me now, what!! 6 am!! huh!!!
And I don't know why but I am getting this notion that I'll be back to the same routine... Getting up early to go to work.. Drive quite some miles.. Work, work, work.. Try to come back home early but end up staying late in the office... Aahhhhh.... After all, that's why people who work look at the calendar constantly to push their weekdays to relax on weekends!!!!
However, I will, for now, consider this opportunity as a harbinger of my bright future!!!!! :)
Again, I am not complaining about having this wonderful opportunity to work again.. Because that's what I wanted to do all this time.. Time-off is good.. but I hate prolonged time-offs.. and I'm all set to work again...
--- smiles ---
May God bless me with answers to all the questions that I will ever encounter at work.. :)
Enjoy & have a fun-filled weekend...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Week long Wild west coast trip..
Day - 1:
We went to LAX... Drove to SFO from there..

Day - 2:
Saw Golden Gate bridge from all angles (I mean, Seriously!!!).. Then to Bonita Lighthouse.. Enjoyed the hot summer.. Then to NAPA valley... Almost fainted there with the mild wine scent.. But enjoyed the landscaping.. Then to University of California @ Berkeley.. Then to 1 Infinite Loop to Apple Company to put down Sel's craziness.. -- GRIN --.. Few poses here and there... Then to Google (I know.. Sel went crazy with all the major corporates!!!).. Visited Stanford University on the way (WHY? To take pictures... SEL!!!! Wanna kick you now for making all these stops!!!)

Day - 3:
Drove to LAX via Pacific Coast Highway... Enjoyed the seaside view.. Pictures here and there!!! :)

Day - 4:
We went to a temple in Calabasas.. Then we drove to see the Hollywood sign.. YES!! The famous Hollywood sign.. Went to Griffith Park from there. As a New Yorkie we missed central park.. So we decided to make it up for that!! :) Then instead of going around the corner to Universal Studios, we drove almost half an hour to Anaheim.. Don't ask me why.. But, Sel created his imaginary Universal Studios in Anaheim!!! -- SIGH -- Enjoyed the tour inside the studios... It was a very realistic and mind blowing tour.. Spent the evening in Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive.. Enjoyed the rich, bright, big houses there.. Ogled their rich bungalows... hmmmm!!!.

Day - 5:
A long drive to death valley national park ( was really a land of extremes... Drove past the sand dust area when the sand particles hit the car like hail stones.. Saw sand dunes.. History of this park amazed us.. Enjoyed the wonderful view of "Artist's palette" where the natural rock looks just like a palette with different colors.. Aahhhh... Got a chance to appreciate God's creation once again.. Then to Badwater basin which had a whole lot of salt and was hit by those while in the basin.. In the evening, started off to Las Vegas...

Day - 6:
Checked in the hotel.. Dozed offff... :)
Day - 7:
Went for a long walk in Las Vegas Blvd.. REALLY!!! A very long walk for almost half a day... Saw all imitations of Eiffel Tower, Brooklyn bridge, Liberty Statue, Eiffel Tower. and a beautiful fountain work in Bellagio, big buildings that belonged to Caesar's palace.. My oh my!!! Such a rich and bright city!!!! Went to the Stratosphere tower.. View wasn't great as the building was on a corner.. But it was worth it in a way that they gave us a slot machine card - for FREE!!! :)

Day - 8:
Saw Hoover Dam on the way to Grand Canyon.. Canyon is supposed to be HOT, Isn't it!!! Surprisingly snow visited them a day before.. So, it was cold.. This is to cold weather - "I HATE YOU".. Enjoyed the canyon view though it was very cloudy in most of the parts..Snaps here and there!!! :)

Day - 9:
Spent the entire day in gambling.. Won some... @ night, went to Eiffel Tower to enjoy the Bellagio fountain work.. Tried different roulette machines till 2 am... Had fun and that's the whole point, right!!!

Day -10:
Got up late... Drove all the way to LAX... (yeah!! we had our flights to NJ from LAX @ 11.59 pm).. Didn't go directly to airport but to Santa Monica Beach and Venice Beach (Sel wanted to go to these beaches as he had this idea that the famous Hollywood people take a dive there... Yeah!! I know what you think!!! But yet, Love you loads Sel.. Bless you for making me stop in all those not-at-all-worthy places like this dirty beach).. Tiredness from the entire week's driving (we drove 2500 miles in a week) just put us to sleep the minute we occupied the seats in flight..
Had wonderful dreams about the places we visited and the fun we had during the trip.. I am sure I must have left the smile on my face even while I was sleeping.. :)
For the past 10 days, we enjoyed each and every nanosecond.. Had loads of fun.. Took lots of pictures.. Sel and I enjoyed the trip to the core..
"Thank You" Sel for planning such a wonderful trip and for all the wonderful, marvelous time in Wild West Coast!!